Business Smartphones/Mobile Applications Sponsored Web Design

5 Reasons Why Mobile Responsiveness is Crucial for Your Business

One of the most important elements of your business’ website is mobile responsiveness. This solves problems on your website and helps you account for all of your potential customers and visitors. 

When a website is mobile responsive, this means that your content is tailored for the smaller screen, with images and text being scaled to the proper size. This is an important feature that your website needs to have in order to appeal to your online audience. Without it, people will have a frustrating experience on your website and this could have a negative impact on your bottom line. 

Mobile responsiveness is crucial for your business, and here are five reasons why it should never be overlooked.

1. The Statistics Prove it

Mobile users are taking over the internet and providing a large portion of your market. More traffic than ever is coming right from mobile, and this is steadily increasing with the advancement of mobile technology innovation. 

The proof is in the statistics. Here are some important mobile user statistics that show why it’s so important to make sure your website is mobile friendly:

  • 80% of people who use the internet own a smartphone 
  • Over 3 billion people use social media on their mobile phone regularly 
  • 52% of all online traffic comes from mobile users 
  • In 2018, mobile ads accounted for 63% of all digital ad revenue globally 
  • The average consumer spends up to five hours per day on their smartphone 

2. User Experience is Key 

In a world where everyone can access anything they’d like right on their smartphone, there are more options for just about anything in the online marketplace. This means that if your website doesn’t provide a good experience for users on their phones, they’ll just go to another website instead. With the market so competitive, there’s often little room for second chances. Make sure your site is optimized for mobile so that everything is easy to find and scroll through for smartphone users. 

3. Mobile is a Factor in Your Google Search Rankings 

Being mobile responsive can help with your SEO efforts in the long term. In 2015, Google announced that they would be shifting their algorithm to boost the rankings of websites that are mobile friendly. While the focus mostly applies to mobile searches, this is a major market because many users search from their phones. This means that if you don’t have a mobile responsive website, you’re going to miss out on a lot of potential website traffic from mobile users and search engine users in general. 

4. You Don’t Have to Pay For Two Versions of Your Website

Back in the day, companies would create two versions of their website: one for desktop, and one for mobile. This helped ensure that there was a mobile version ready to go for people on their phones. Some websites still use this method. However, mobile responsiveness has become much easier and syndicated, without the added expense and doubled upkeep of a duplicate site. All you have to do is have it coded it into your site build and your website is ready to adapt to any mobile screen, including tablets. 

5. Meet Industry Standards

Mobile responsiveness is now an industry standard, and if you aren’t including it, your competitors have the advantage. The majority of business websites are able to adapt to mobile, and this includes websites within your own target marketplace. Customers will spend more time on a website that is tailored to the device they are using. Don’t let your customers go to your competitors. Keep their eyes on your content by making sure that your website provides a seamless experience for mobile users. 

About the author


Baljot Saral