Copywriting is not just writing – it is so much more. A good copy needs to fulfill all the criteria that will make it interesting and engaging, and most importantly, make readers want to buy the product you are selling. It is crucial not to have it sound like you are trying to do that, though. That’s why it is very important to always work on your (copy)writing skills and make sure that your techniques actually work.
Take a look at our list and learn how to make your readers accept your offers and buy your products…
1. Work on Your Headlines
Think of it this way: would you even open a text that has a dull headline? Probably not.
In order to draw your readers into the copy you’re writing, make sure your title will get them to open it. This is a skill you’ll need to work on and yes, it takes time, but once you master it, you’ll see the difference in your sales. It can be something interesting, like “Why I Don’t Let My Kids Watch Cinderella” or
just sound really smart, e.g. “7 Things You Need to Know When Starting an Online Business”. Or it can be something entirely different, but make sure the headline promises a good text behind the link – and that it’s worth it.
2. Tell a Good Story
Being a copywriter also means being a storyteller. People are attracted to stories they can relate to. Share a story of why you started this business in the first place. Tell them about an obstacle you had to overcome – and how THAT gave you the idea for your new product. Help them connect with you and your product in a human way, while also showing them how your company can be the solution to their problem. You can also hire a professional to write a story nobody will be able to resist.
3. K.I.S.S.
Or in other words: Keep It Simple, Stupid. There’s no need to go into complicated phrases and use “smart” words in your copy. There’s also no need to write kilometers of text without a point. Avoid walls of text – most readers will scan your message before they decide to read it – and they’ll decide NOT to if they see 50 lines of text without any breaks. Use interesting headings and shorter paragraphs to share your thoughts and ideas. Lose the unnecessary words, be direct instead of using passive voice, and think about making the text understandable to your target audience.
4. Use Bullet Points and Images
Speaking of walls of text, another way to break them is using bullet points or numbered lists. They are not only a great way of avoiding long paragraphs; they are also much easier to process and they go right to the point. People like reading lists, especially if they are backed up with numbers and research. Make them worthy and filled with valuable information.
With the attention spam of humans getting shorter and shorter, you need to keep them interested in every way possible. Use your images in the right way – they should support the text and add meaning to it, while not drawing too much attention away from it. There are so many great ways to use images in writing – pick your favorite and try it out.
5. Make a Time-Sensitive Offer
Create a sense of urgency in your copy by making an offer they can’t refuse – but for a limited time only. Whether you’re offering a free product, discount or a 2-for-1 coupon, make it sound like it’s exactly what they need.
You can use the same concept with limited supplies. Whatever the weapon of your choice is, use it wisely and make it look like it’s the offer made just for your customer.
6. Post Scriptum (P.S.)
If your readers are still reluctant near the end of your offer – now’s the time to convince them. A great technique called Post Scriptum may be exactly what you need. Your hook can be a personal message, bonus offer, or one last call to action. Make sure to include the link to your offer here – this may be just the thing that will “push” your reader over the edge.