Providing employees with access to an excellent cybersecurity training program is essential in today’s business world, but access alone is not enough...
Tag - cybersecurity
The threat that cyber attacks pose to the business world is staggering. In 2022, there were over 493 million ransomware attacks detected by organizations...
While trying to discover a future Hemingway or Remarque, you might end up with stolen credentials and a compromised home network, warns a cybersecurity expert...
The newest NordVPN product is free to use and available on all browsers and devices NordVPN, a leading cybersecurity company, launches its new experimental...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game changer in many areas of our daily lives, including cybersecurity. With the rising use of new AI-driven tools...
Every Fifth Canadian Avoids Using the Internet in Public
Shopping Malls and Public Event Venues Are Considered to Have the Most Cyber Threats Almost 22% of Canadian internet users avoid going online in public places...
Nearly 87% of Android apps and 60% of iOS apps request access to device functions unrelated to their performance, new research by NordVPN reveals...
In today’s interconnected business landscape, companies rely on many third-party vendors, suppliers, and partners to streamline their operations and...
Purchase of cybersecurity solutions/services/apps (55%), as well as cybersecurity training for employees (51%), are the most popular IT investments among...
Experts Explain “Camfecting” – A Camera Hacking Privacy Issue, which Cannot be Fixed by Camcover Two out of three people are worried about criminals...
Yes, Your Phone is Eavesdropping on You – and Most Americans Don’t Know How to Stop It
Study by NordVPN reveals majority of American consumers in the dark on sonic snooping by devices Half of Americans (53%) say they have seen an ad for a product...
10 Intricate Social Engineering Techniques that Can Harm Anyone and Ways to Prevent Them from Happening
Social engineering attacks use human nature to their advantage, preying on our trust, greed, fear, curiosity, and even our desire to help others. A study shows...
According to research by NordVPN, one of the leading cybersecurity companies, adult content, streaming, and video hosting sites have the most security and...
This growing threat has already affected five million people globally, with hackers selling webcam snaps, screenshots, up-to-date logins, cookies, and digital...
In an ideal world, we would all have unlimited funds to spend on defending our businesses against cyber threats but sadly, although improved, the mentality...