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Love, War and Glory: The how, what and why?

woman typing on laptop
Image courtesy of Pixabay

On 27th July 2018 I achieved something I never thought I would ever do. I became a book author with the release of my first book Love, War and Glory: Spoken Words for All Seasons. It’s been over 3 months since the book has been released. One of the things that I always get asked is what made me write the book? How did I find the time? Why did you choose particular topics? Now I’m taking the opportunity to write down the thoughts that lead to the creation of Love, War and Glory.


I have always enjoyed creative writing and liked reading. There were certain narratives such as Wonder Woman and The Man Who Went To War and Won that I wrote 11 years ago but I never did anything with them. In addition, in my day job, I work as a Software Engineer. There is a perception that Software Engineers are not creative/artistic. I wanted to destroy that notion.

I also felt like I had been on a certain journey in life and felt that I had experiences that many people could relate to. I was keen on creating a reading experience that made everyone feel that I’m actually having a conversation with them.


So last Christmas I got thinking about the future and I had a look at some of the writing that I had done in the past. I said to myself why don’t you write a book. And I thought to myself what would I write about. I had written poetry and spoken word narratives in the past and I thought to myself that maybe a good book to start with. I was messing around on YouTube and by accident, I stumbled onto a theme tune named Glorious Domination. I then thought to myself Glory. At that moment the title Love, War and Glory was born.

I choose Love, War and Glory as I felt you could find books on Love, you could find books on War and you could find books on Glory but not a book that covered all 3. In addition, War books tend to focus on places such as Afghanistan and not on the day to day challenges that we all face. I felt this would be something unique to everyone.

In January 2018, I decided to do some research into what it would take to make this happen. My research led me to a firm called AuthorHouse. We had a few phone conversations and I walked them through my idea and what I wanted to achieve. They were very excited by my proposal and I decided that I’m at a good point in my life so let’s go for it and see what happens. You don’t know what you can do until you try. The project Love, War and Glory was about to commence.


The next five months were spent on writing my manuscript. I took some of my old narratives and dusted them off. In addition, I came up with some brand new titles of what I wanted to write about. Titles such as Rage, Glorious, A Day To Remember, Into The Shadows came to my mind. At times I would get an idea and I would just start typing. At other times it would be a case of sowing the seed and then coming back to it when I felt ready to tackle the title in question.

Most of the time I wrote my book at weekends and after work when I had some spare moments. The time I spent didn’t matter to me; when you’re determined and truly believe in something you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. It was about trying to put myself in the zone and let the ideas just flourish.

The writing was the easiest part of the process. The hard part was what came afterward. Editing, book cover creation, the marketing of book they all took a long time to get right. The shiny book cover that we have today is not what the first cover looked like I assure you lol. There was a lot of back and forth between me and AuthorHouse. I lost count of the number of times I shouted at them to make sure things were right; my passion can boil over sometimes. But also it was equally important to make sure I got this right as this is my first book.

The End Result

When I got my Author’s copy of the book I said to myself wow. I have been fortunate that I have been able to do a lot in life. But writing a book I would say is right up there. The feeling of joy, happiness that came over me was something else. It was a truly you have done it moment. If you ever get the opportunity to write a book take it would be my advice. It will be worth it, in the end, I assure you. One of my good friends Gerald said to me you have made your mark on this world forever. I didn’t think about this at the time but long after I’m gone generations from now will hopefully be still be reading Love, War and Glory.

The Future:

I’m hoping that this book is just the beginning. As I absolutely loved the writing process and I can’t wait to write my next book. For the next year, my focus will be on promoting Love, War and Glory. When I first started writing this book my initial thinking was to do Love, War and Glory to get a feel for the book business and then maybe tackle Fiction and a programming book. However, when I look back at the feedback and the initial positive reaction to my book I think there may be merit in doing a sequel. I also think back to what my neighbours wife said. She said the book was very well articulated and written but she felt it wasn’t finished yet; in the sense that I’m still young and have fingers crossed a lot of living to do. Would I still have the same views in a few years time? What would I be able to cover in future? Love, War and Glory: Volume 2 perhaps? Just watch this space.

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About the author


Denis Akinmolasire

I am a software engineer who has always enjoyed writing and is taking the opportunity to share his unique insights and hidden talents to the rest of the world. I would like to publish an article on my first book Love, War and Glory: Spoken Words for All Seasons