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High Demand Careers Which Will Become Obsolete Within 25 Years

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Building and maintaining a successful career is something that takes decades to achieve. Even if you are successful in your career, work hard, and make good decisions, there are risks that are outside of your control and could slow your progress.

One risk that is continuing to have an impact on people’s lives and careers is technology. While technology has helped to create a lot of jobs over the past few decades, it has also transformed other industries and made some jobs obsolete. While there are a variety of jobs that appear to be currently resistant to technology, they could still become obsolete down the road.

Here are a few jobs in particular that are in demand today but could obsolete in as little as 25 years:


Today, accounting is one of the largest white-collar professions in the world. Accountants are hired by a wide range of organizations including tax preparation firms, consulting firms, accounting practices, and individual companies. Business accounting professionals today are extremely vital and necessary as they complete a wide range of tasks revolving around financial statement preparation, tax, and consulting.

While business accounting jobs are high in demand today, and the number of accounting practices for sale suggests it continues to be a popular industry, this could change a lot in the future. Accounting for the average consumer has already changed a lot due to technology. Today, most people are able to do all of their banking online and can quickly prepare their own taxes with online software. However, many businesses still rely on accountants due to the complexity of business tax law. In the future, this is likely to change as accounting programs, AI, and other software will be able to adapt and take on this increasing level of complexity.

Healthcare Jobs

The healthcare industry is extremely important as it helps to provide good care to people all over the world. While the healthcare industry is a necessity, many have cited that it is inefficient and expensive. The cost of training medical staff is itself a billion dollar industry, with HIPAA compliance consultant services representing just one of the many expenses required to ensure employees are qualified.

Because of this, there continues to be an effort to improve automation in the healthcare industry. This will then change many different healthcare careers and will cut back on the number of people that need to work in the industry. In the future, much more of the care will be handled by computers, machines, and artificial intelligence.

Construction Jobs

Along with improvements in technology, advancements in infrastructure has also been a point of pride for people all over the world. One job that has continued to look as if it was not at risk of decline due to technology was the job of a construction worker. Today, construction workers are still necessary to complete the skilled labor to put up a building, make repairs, and do other tasks. However, this could easily change in the future.

Similar to any other type of manufacturing job, construction jobs will likely be replaced with machines and smarter processes in the coming decades. This could drastically reduce the number of people that are employed in these roles but will open up other types of positions to continue to oversee the automated processes.


Figuring out a way to educate the young is still a very important task. However, the way that people are taught is continuing to evolve and it could continue to change in the coming decades.

In years to come, there will likely be more automated processes that could help to replace the need for as many teachers, which could help to reduce costs and improve the education system.

About the author


David Johnson