Business Technology

The Top Signs It’s Time to Start Outsourcing to an IT Company

Image by Jireh Gibson from Pixabay

IT is at the heart of just about every modern business. Whether you work in retail, manufacturing, B2B sales, or any other industry, you probably get most of your work done on computers, by using IT networks and infrastructure. And, while hiring in-house IT staff is a good way to keep your workforce operational and functional, it may not always be the best choice.

In fact, you may be better off if you start outsourcing to an IT company, rather than hiring more in-house personnel. How can you tell which option is right for you? Here are a few of the signs that you may be better off turning to an outsourced IT company, instead of hiring more internal workers.

1. You Don’t Have Enough IT Staff (and are Having a Hard Time Recruiting)

Maybe you’re the Chief Technology Officer or the only IT worker at your company, or you have just a few other employees who can’t handle the day-to-day workload that’s required of them. 

If you don’t have enough staff, your IT systems are going to suffer – you could experience network downtime, connectivity issues, hardware and software problems, and more.

But recruiting and hiring experienced, qualified IT staff is often quite expensive and difficult. It takes time to interview and recruit staff, train them, and get them ready to work at your company. 

In contrast, if you turn to the best IT company for additional employees and help, to augment your staff, you can save on recruiting costs and get qualified, expert contractors quickly.

2. Your Company is Growing Faster than You Thought It Would

Even if you are hiring internal workers, you may not be able to keep up with the needs of a quickly-growing company. If your IT workforce is stretched thin due to the addition of a few new offices, a new piece of IT infrastructure, or some new, expansion-related projects, you may need to hire additional workers from an IT company.

3. You’re Operating on a Tight Budget

Often, hiring an outsourced IT worker is cheaper than hiring your own employees. You can save when it comes to training, job benefits, vacations and more – because you’ll pay a flat fee to the IT company you’re working with.

This makes working with an IT company a great choice if you’re on a tight budget. This is especially true if you need a bit of extra help – but you don’t need another full-time IT worker. You can hire an outsourced worker on a part-time basis, which will save you even more on IT costs.

4. You’re Worried About Data Security and Regulatory Compliance

Most IT companies have a number of data security and protection experts on-staff, as well as staff members who are experienced with regulations like HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and regulations related to credit cards, the storage of personal information, and more.

If you’re worried that your company could become the target of a high-profile data breach, you can hire an external IT company to perform an audit, or even add one of their security experts to your own team, to ensure that you’re protected and safe from data loss. This is very important – as the costs of even a small data breach can be catastrophic, reaching an average of $3.86 million as of 2018. 

Understand the Benefits of IT Outsourcing – And Get Started Today! 

Whether you want to replace your entire IT team with experienced, qualified personnel, or you just need to hire a few IT workers and security experts to augment your existing IT team, you’re sure to benefit from turning to a local IT company. Start doing research in your area now, identify a few of the best companies near you, and see how your organization can benefit from outsourced IT personnel.

About the author


Chris Jansen

Chris Jansen is an SEO Specialist who has been working in the industry for close to 5 years. Writing quality content and publishing articles across multiple reputable websites. Helping to inform new and current business professionals is what Chris strives to do.