Businesses need to use extra caution when it comes to keeping records safe. Customers never want to hear that their information was breached due to a security issue within a company they did business with in the past or are currently doing business with now. With some extra security precautions and upgrades, businesses can give their customers peace of mind.
Secure Email Provider
Emails are a primary means of communication for companies in this day and age. Some of these may provide customer login information and passwords or identifying data, such as names and addresses. Emails need to be encrypted and placed through a secure provider if they are going to be kept safe from hackers. Using the most secure email provider possible is key. It will limit outside access to the information and keep details safe from prying eyes.
IT Asset Management
IT asset management refers to the hardware and software the company utilizes for running their systems. It is vital that businesses have software available to keep track of their IT-related assets and get insight into how well they are working for the company. Too many business owners wait to employ this sort of thing until an issue has already occurred. Utilizing it before is a great tool for loss prevention.
Parcel Locker
Having packages delivered to your company’s door is not a safe option. This is especially true when ordering expensive items, and not just a few small supplies that are more easily replaced. A parcel locker solves this problem. The business owner alone, or anyone he or she gives access to, are the only ones who may pick up packages. These lockers can be temperature-controlled so items are kept in pristine condition. There is also video surveillance so it’s possible to watch the activity surrounding the locker.
Employee Education and Training
It is important to train all employees on network security practices. This can start with an acceptable use policy agreement, ensuring all workers sign and agree to only visit reputable sites that will not cause harm to the computer systems in the workplace. There shall be no visits to untrusted sites and use of the computers should be restricted to business-related only. Far too many sites track information that can be used to steal data.
Controlled Access Entry
A basic key should not be used to enter certain rooms of a business. Controlled access entry ensures only those with key cards or knowledge of the code can get into areas of the company that require extra protection. You wouldn’t want every employee to have access to the servers or the room where money is counted. Only those trusted employees trained in working in these spaces should have access.
Keeping information safe is key for businesses. Making security enhancements and upgrades can play a major role in keeping data secure. Get started with one option and work on implementing the others as soon as possible for full protection.