Business Marketing

DX Techniques That Can Improve Your Marketing Campaigns

Image source: Les Finances

Digital transformation or DX is a new way of incorporating your everyday work with technology. This new trend allows businesses to go paperless by growing and developing more on the digital world. Aside from that, digital transformation enables companies to mature, engage, and interact in such a way that will benefit both its employees and its customers.

On the other hand, marketing campaigns are a series of strategies that will help a business reach more audience, promote, market, and sell products and services more effectively. Marketing campaigns are nothing new because it’s essential in every business. Without marketing campaigns or a marketing team for that matter, companies can go out of business. According to Steve Blank, a strategy is not a to-do list. Therefore, strategies must be well thought out and executed.

Lots of companies nowadays are starting to incorporate digital transformation with marketing campaigns, like digital strategies. Digital strategies are a series of actions businesses take in order to achieve marketing goals and objectives. On the other hand, digital marketing campaigns are the actions within the strategy that draws you one step closer to reaching a goal. You can learn more about digital transformation and all its other components by attending digital transformation summits, which are held in different parts of the world. In the meantime, below is a list of a few digital transformation techniques that can help improve your marketing campaigns.

Make Use of Real-Time Data and Updates

When thinking of marketing strategies, you have to make yourself aware of the latest issues and hottest trends, especially on the Internet. Making yourself aware of these can significantly help you understand and further analyze your audience and target market’s interests. That way, you know which marketing campaigns will work or not. With that information, you can automatically cross out initial marketing plans and strategies, which you know wouldn’t make the cut.

Aside from all that, making the best out of real-time data and updates allows you to determine how far you are from distinguished competitors. With this, you can identify what techniques and strategies competitors have initially executed but weren’t enough to boost company sales. Learning from another company’s mistake can help you improve over time.

Encourage Customer Engagement

Coming up with new marketing strategies can also mean encouraging past and satisfied customers to engage or participate. For example, GoPro is famous for its high-definition, fisheye, point-of-view videos, and they upload video content on their YouTube channel every now and then. However, what the audience doesn’t know is that most videos they upload came from loyal customers.

So you see, there can still be customer engagement even after the transaction, and even when planning marketing campaigns. Most buyers nowadays prefer to weigh all odds first before buying a specific product or service, and doing these types of promotions can bring lots of positive impacts to your company. Not only do buyers get to see testimonials of previous customers, but they can also gain knowledge from that particular product or service. More often than not, these types of marketing campaigns are what works best.

Aside from videos, you can also think of something more personal through writing or storytelling. Some companies use either Twitter or Facebook in posting customer testimonials. Threads are currently a thing on Twitter, so maybe you can make a thread about inspiring stories of past customers. With this, there’s a possibility that readers will get hooked to each story, making them search for more. It consists of a series of steps, but small progress is better than none. Sooner or later, viewers will find themselves inquiring about your company’s products or services. Make the most out of your company’s social media profiles because social media today has become more than just connecting with one another. Social media as it is now can serve as business platforms for companies who wish to promote and market their products and services with a larger audience.

Analyze and Improve

Since most digital transformation tools offer analytics and reports, maybe you could try understanding and analyzing your past business plans and marketing strategies. That way, you can pinpoint areas that need more improvement and innovation. Not only that, but analyzing reports and statistics can also help you when it comes to website or web page traffic, visitors, page feedback, and a lot more. Moreover, analytics allow you to review past progress with several projects.

Failure is Allowed, But Get Up Fast

Yes, failing in any aspect of life is completely normal. It’s inevitable. However, learn how to quickly get back up on your feet when you fail. Failing is part of business as it is part of life in general. The important thing is you learn from your failures. As much as possible, don’t make the same mistakes twice. This will only send a negative message towards your customers – that you don’t care enough to improve on one mistake.

With various digital transformation tools available everywhere, like analytics, you have the ability to bounce back from failures by evaluating which factors should be improved or taken out of the entire marketing strategy.

Wrapping Up

Promotions and marketing are not a walk in the park, nor a one-time big-time thing. They require a lot of research and budgeting, as well as trial and error. However, since the world is constantly changing and ever-evolving, technology is slowly starting to make things easier for everyone. Although technology still has its downsides, there’s still a lot more positive impacts that digital transformation brings to us than negative ones.

About the author


Edwin Deponte

Edwin Deponte is a motivational writer and speaker who loves to travel around the world. Once an aspiring engineer, he dreamed of changing the way buildings operate. Today, he passionately writes about smart building systems & solutions and how it’s bound to change the way people move and work around.