Formulating effective survey questions may seem like an easy task, but there is more to it than you think. When people are taking surveys, they generally do not have a lot of time on their hands.
This means that you want to formulate concise questions that give you enough information to make product or service decisions. Today we’ll share the top 8 survey questions for online surveys to get you started on the right path.
1 – What is your favourite part of our product or service?
This question is great because it requires the individual taking the survey to list something specific, instead of responding with a yes or no answer. It will reveal unique opinions about your product or service since not all consumers think the same!
2 – What do you wish our product or service could do that it can’t?
With this question, you are almost making the consumer do your job for you! What’s more, you are putting the power in the consumer’s hands and asking them to come up with improvements to the product or service that you offer. This is a great way to get a fresh viewpoint on your product or service (for free!).
3 – What problem(s) does our product or service solve for you?
This will give you insight into unique uses for your product or service that you may not have been aware of. Additionally, these kinds of questions can provide you with data that can be used in advertising.
4 – What changes would most improve this product or service?
This question can highlight particular issues that the consumer may have run into when using your product or service, which you may not be aware of. This is also a great way to get new ideas for product upgrades or service process improvements.
5 – Overall, how satisfied are you with this product/service? (Choose very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied OR rate from 1 – 10).
While this question is not open-ended like the others, it can give you a clear indication into how your customers feel about your offering overall. This is something that they may not have wanted to explicitly write out, but they’re comfortable to pick a number or answer that they feel applies to them. You’ll gain quantitative data that your company can put to good use in advertising or to make decisions about future products. Plus, survey software makes it easy to include questions like this in your surveys.
6 – Would you be likely to recommend this product/service to a friend?
This is a great way to get a sense for your level of brand loyalty. If your product is so good that people are talking about it with others, your company is doing something right! You could also add a follow-up question that states “why?” or “why not?” to get a further sense of the consumer’s opinion.
7 – If you contacted the company, how was your experience?
This question gives you great insight into how your customer service department is doing! If your customers can share their experiences that they’ve had interacting with your employees, you’ll generally be able to derive insights that can turn into process improvements in your customer service.
8 – Do you have any other feedback for us today?
This is an important and sometimes overlooked open ended question, because it leaves a space for the consumer to express any thoughts that were not directly addressed by the survey.