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5 Sales-Boosting Tips for Amazon Entrepreneurs

It used to be that sales just dropped into your inbox when you had one or more products available for sale on That’s no longer the case unless the product is already a bestseller with considerable momentum behind it. 

It’s now necessary to put a lot of effort into continually boosting sales to push your products and brand forward on Amazon’s FBA Seller platform. Doing better on their platform comes down to driving more traffic to the product page and converting more visitors into buyers. 

Here are 5 tips to boost your sales as an Amazon entrepreneur. 

1. Make Better Use of Amazon’s PPC Marketing

Amazon has its own ad network which helps retailers promote their products to visitors on the Amazon site. It allows you to get your product in front of the right people, even if they’ve not yet visited the product page. 

If you don’t have a recognizable brand yet or a bestselling product, using PPC campaigns to promote the product shortcuts the time it takes to build reviews and gain traction in the marketplace. Managing the budget to avoid overspending vs your cost of goods sold is important. Therefore, be sure to check out these tips for managing your Amazon PPC budget to make advertising profitable for you. 

2. Offer a Meaningful Discount

When starting out, offering a discount can get the ball rolling. When you don’t have many reviews, this will severely hold you back. By using PPC to get people to your product page and offering discount coupons (up to 99%), it’s possible to encourage people to give your product a try. 

Once they have it, as long as you’ve done a good job with the product development, they’re likely to leave a review. Also, as a seller, you’ll then have their information and can ask them whether they wish to opt-in to a newsletter. This way, you can advise when there’s a newer version of the product or a related product release that may appeal to them. 

3. Clear Old Inventory Quicker to Aid Reinvestment

If you’ve created a few products where some have sold well and others poorly, using a discount coupon is an effective way to offload a slow-selling product.

It removes it faster from Amazon’s warehouses, which are expensive for products selling sluggishly. The freed-up capital from the inventory can be reinvested into new product ideas that hopefully will sell better. 

4. Improve the Product Page

Many product pages on Amazon are pretty poor. They do a less than stellar job of helping the customer understand the product better and convincing them to buy. This is even truer when there are few customer reviews to provide extra information.

Look at your competitors with products that sport a lower Amazon sales rank to see how they’re successfully presenting their product to Amazon’s customers. Compare the top sellers to the worst ones and look for glaring differences. Then adapt your presentation and written copy to persuade visitors to become buyers more often.

5. Run a Niche Site to Feed Sales Through

When you develop or buy an existing website in the same niche, it features similar products to your own. Normally, the site owner refers visitors under the Amazon Associates affiliate program where they earn a commission for each completed sale. Use the niche site to promote your product to drive sales. This will encourage Amazon to get behind the product in their own marketing too. 

By developing new strategies to increase your sales through a variety of methods, it builds momentum. As the Amazon sales rank for the product decreases (indicating rising sales), your product appears in the search results more frequently and it becomes much easier from there.

About the author


Jessica Peters