Marketing Sponsored Writing/Content

How Guest Posting Can Help to Grow Your Business

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Guest posting:

We all know that guest posting is used for many different purposes. For example, new copywriters who have to establish a strong “digital footprint” write free blog posts as guests.

The websites that accept such posts can be related to their niche or just online magazines that accept blog submissions by guest writers.

Take as an example; this website publishes guest posts written by new authors and this is a win-win for both.


Guest posting is largely used to grow business and bring more and more traffic to one’s website. 

In this post, I’m going to show you step by step procedure of growing your business with help of guest posting.

And you can also start a business of guest posting services after reading this detail.

1. Find the “Link Mother” Websites

What is a “Link Mother” website?

It is the website that can give you a link and that is worthy of getting link from.

  • Which website is worthy of getting links from? Any website that has a high DA PA. As a rule of thumb, any website with DA 50+ is a good one to get backlink from.
  • How to know whether you can get backlink from that website or not? Well, you can get backlink from websites that allow guest posts in return for backlinks and websites that give backlink in return for other favors e.g. fixing missing links (by writing content for them).

Take a look at this link. They have lined up 50+ very high DA PA websites that accept guest posts.

2. Writing Valuable Content

Do know and tattoo this on your brain that no good website will accept a crappy blog post. You have to provide really good content to get a do-follow backlink.


The question that arises here is nothing but what constitutes a high quality content?


High quality content or blog post will:

  • Be more than 1500 words because Google considers length among its ranking factors and not a single high DA PA website will accept a blog post with less than 1000 words.
  • Have a good quantity of media. This means infographics, photos, and videos etc.
  • Be research oriented and data rich. People love a blog post that is full of research references and statistics.

3. Communication with Backlink Giving Website


That you have everything ready, you need to talk to the contact person or manager of the high DA PA website from whom you want a link.

You need to make sure that the backlink you get is a do-follow one. There is nothing wrong with a no-follow link and unlike public belief, this one is also beneficial for your website, but you need all the link juice that that high DA PA website is dripping with.

So tell them that it must be clear at that stage (before they publish your post) that the link will be do-follow and they will use the anchor-text that you approve.

Another point is to persuade them to give you author login and password with your own profile. This will let you log in and publish posts directly and you will get more than one link. 

Also, try to reach to a point where you get more backlinks for the number of words that you write.

If they want a blog-post of 1000+ words, let them know that you’d need more than one do-follow backlink (because you’re offering them long form posts).

4. Optimize Your Posts for Social Sharing

Don’t sign off your guest posts as posts that do not belong to you but to the website from where you will get backlinks in return for those posts.

Get this:

The audience that will come to your website will be actually coming to you after reading your post. You need traffic, right?

So, optimize your post for social media sharing. Add sharable media items, quotes, and stats.

That blog post, although owned by the link giving website, will still work for you. It will catch a lot of attention and all those social media shares will bring more traffic to your website, because hey, the link will be sending traffic to your website and nowhere else.

5. Optimize Your Website for SEO


Just because you wrote a blog post in exchange for a high DA PA backlink, it does not mean that you cannot benefit from it.


You wrote that blog post to get more traffic – via backlink, you can get more traffic than you thought by simply optimizing that blog post for SEO.

Take care of the tags, incorporate all important keywords and their variations, and optimize it for user intent.

When the link issuing website will publish this post, your SEO optimization will start doing wonders for you.

More and more people would start finding this post on Google search pages (especially because a very high DA PA website published it), and they will naturally open the post and visit your website (because of link duh).

This way, you will be doing SEO for your post and for that anchor-text not only your guest post, but your own website would appear on top of SERPs.

6. Position Your Guest Post for Newer Chunks of Your Audience

Let us assume that your niche is organic makeup. For this niche, you choose a website that covers the bigger chunk of overall makeup industry.

Their DA PA is through the roof and you definitely want a backlink from them even if you have to hire guest posting services.


Since you are going to give that long-form copy to that website, you need to do some smart things to get the most out of it.

Apart from applying the tips that I have explained above, you need to do one more thing.

Position your blog post for newer and bigger chunks of your audience.

What does this mean? Well, you only reach out to a small chunk to women who love organic makeup. Obviously, it is so because your marketing and SEO budget is very small.


That high DA PA niche authority website reaches out to not only the biggest group of organic makeup loving women but those women too who love inorganic, chemically processed makeup.

If you optimize your content for that bigger audience too e.g. telling them benefits of organic one, you will not only get more than intended traffic, but you will also get new customers from an entirely different group of larger audience.

Try these simple, yet very effective tips and you will see that your guest posting will help you grow your business bigger than you expected.

About the author


Jamshaid Chaudhary

I began writing as a professional on my personal blog and then discovered my true calling, which is writing about technology, News and gadgets in general. I am a technical writer, author and blogger since 2010. An industry watcher that stays on top of the latest features, extremely passionate about juicy tech news and everything related to gadgets. For tech tips, my email address is jamsheed1480[at]gmail[dot]com