Affiliate Marketing Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Tips for Beginners

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What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a referral course of action. Put simply; an online retailer pays you a commission when consumers buy their products from your referral link. This isn’t like other advertisement types which pay based on clicks or views. However, the system only operates on a CPL (cost per lead) or CPA (cost per acquisition) basis. Additionally, you are given a commission when somebody makes any move whatsoever (i.e., signs up for a free trial or buys the product). 

Moreover, the affiliate program pays a higher commission to publishers when compared to Google AdSense or other types of ads since there is less risk involved with the promoter. Also, an affiliate program requires a more hands-on approach, so you need to find a product that is helpful to your customers. Then you need to tactically include it in your blogs and other places on your website. This will help your customers to buy the product using your referral link. 

The Job of an Affiliate

As an affiliate marketer, your primary job is to find a product that your audience will be interested in and will find helpful. Then, you will tactically add it to your blog or website so your audience can engage and purchase the product through your referral link. 

Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing

Are you aiming to start your affiliate career on a high? If yes, you need to remain on top of certain things. For one, you need to choose the right blogging platform. As everybody knows, both big brands and startups generally have an eye for quality content. Your focus has to be on the quality that your content possesses because it can take you far. That being said, here are 5 top tips that have been proven to set up beginners for affiliate marketing success over a short period. 

1. Become an Affiliate for Products You are Familiar With

As a beginner, you need to find products that you are familiar with and already find helpful. This will make it easy for you to convince your customers about the item since you know how it operates. Moving forward, you need to go to the brand’s website and look for terms like ‘Affiliate program,’ ‘Affiliates,’ or ‘Partners.’ Many companies are looking for affiliate marketers to promote their product line, so they include a link on their affiliate page in their site’s footer. 

2. Understand Your Audience

One meaningful way to become a successful affiliate marketer is to understand your audience and promote brands that they will find helpful. When you only talk about a product that is in line with their needs, there is no reason for them not to take action. Always remember that you will only get your commission if your audience makes does more than just click a link or view your post. Therefore, before you choose the kind of affiliate brands to promote on your blog, ask yourself these questions: 

    What drives visitors to your blog? 

    What inspires them to join your email marketing list? 

    Why are they attracted to the content on your blog/site? 

    What are they looking for that you have? 

You should aim to pick only the products that can genuinely solve your audience’s problems. 

3. Earn Their Trust

In most cases, readers are smart. They know an affiliate link when they see one. So, if you break their trust by advertising a product you are not familiar with or spam their visits with ads, they’ll leave and never return. You will only gain traffic when your visitors keep coming back. They’re the ones that will give you feedback, spread information, and recommend your website to others as the go-to place for helpful content. 

Furthermore, as a beginner, you need to build a relationship based on genuine content. If your guests don’t think you are real, they won’t take a look at whatever you put on your website. If you promote brands that aren’t high in value, they won’t trust your recommendations and will stop acting on them. This will result in a significant loss. 

4. Take Advantage of Social Media

An affiliate marketing site will not run itself regardless of what some people think. Although good content and appropriate SEO practices will attract readers from search engines, what many people don’t know is that social media can also be a useful for bringing customers to your website. Try to establish a relationship between your social media posts and the content on your website. The objective here is to get visitors to your site and then introduce the product to them afterward.

5. Practice Patience

No one becomes successful immediately with affiliate marketing – be patient. Some affiliate programs give lifetime payouts. So, when you keep referral links active in your old posts, they can be a source of revenue generation for many years. Also, you may keep earning a commission regardless of whether the person you referred visits your site or not. Affiliate marketing gives you a source of passive earnings from your blogging. You should be consistent, patient, and relevant. The seeds you plant today will inevitably grow to produce fruit later on. 

Finally, your priority should be your content marketing method because that’s what comes first. Without quality content, you are unlikely to be successful in affiliate marketing. Be sure to make use of affiliate ads to promote the value of your platform and content. As a beginner, you may find it very challenging. However, don’t give up. Continue striving, learn from affiliate marketing guides, and the rewards will be yours to reap.

About the author


Andrew Raso

Andrew Raso is the co-founder and director of the Online Marketing Gurus, a fast-growing,  award-winning search company working with some of the world's leading brands, including Coca Cola, Salesforce and Freshbooks. Follow him on Twitter @marketinggurus3.