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4 Sure-Fire Ways to Promote Your Business In 2020

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Running a successful business is not all about coming up with a unique idea, launching it, and waiting for clients to knock at your door. There is more than meets the eye. 

As an entrepreneur, one of the most critical things you need to know is that learning how to promote your business effectively is what sets your business apart from the rest of the noise. Apart from word-of-mouth and printing hundreds of flyers, there a host of other ways of promoting your business that can take your business to a whole new level. They include;

1. Create email marketing campaigns

Look – emails are somehow old fashioned, and using it for marketing cannot bring any success to your business.

If this is what you are thinking, you need to think again.

You cannot stay ahead of the competition in today’s business environment if you choose to overlook email marketing. Compared to other marketing channels, email marketing has the highest conversion rates. This is because they permit business owners to gain direct access to a highly specified market.

By using email marketing, you will go a long mile in building and nurturing mutually beneficial relationships with your target audience. Also, it allows you to keep potential clients who are not ready to purchase your products or services in the sales funnel until they are ready.

To build a reliable email subscriber list, you have to first offer something of value. In exchange, your prospective clients will give you’re their emails. Some of the valuable things you can offer include access to an eBook, a free demo, a sneak-peek to an informational video. Sharing compelling content can also do the magic!

When you get a list of subscribers, don’t just share content with them. Your main purpose is to get more leads and conversions, right? Therefore, constantly send emails that re-introduce your company. Also, understand the type of content your audiences interact with so that you can only share information that is relevant to their needs. This way, you will establish authority in your niche and gain an edge over your competitors. 

2. Convert your email signature into a CTA

Considering that email is the longest standing form of digital communication, it provides you with a myriad of options to market your business. Email signatures are simple yet effective tools that can help you to promote your business effectively. 

Your email signature will be seen by everyone you communicate with. Therefore, instead of simply writing “Regards, XYZ” or writing a sentence that summarizes what your business is all about, why don’t you include a call-to-action link? For instance, you can include something like, “In case you need the best deals, call this number now!”

By exposing your email signature that includes a CTA to a great number of people, there are high chances that you will get more converting leads in no time. Here are some tips for the best Call to Action signature emails. Show people that you care!

3. Ask for reviews

Today, reviews are an integral part of the promotional puzzle. A recent report shows that 86% of consumers read reviews about a local business before making a purchase.

Online reviews will help your business build trust, credibility, and reputation. When you get positive reviews, you will not only get more business through referrals, but you will also enjoy high rankings on search engines. 

Asking for referrals is easy. When a client buys a product from you, simply request him to give you an honest review. If you ensure clients get a world-class customer experience, you can rest assured that you will get amazing reviews and ratings.

You don’t need to be outgoing or highly sociable to ask for referrals. It is as simple as sending emails, text messages, or making phone calls to previous clients. 

In fact, it is something you can do as you do other business-related tasks or as you engage in things you do during your free time, such as analyzing free NBA picks in 2020 on

4. Create valuable content

As they say, content is king. You cannot promote your business effectively in 2020 if you dint write content that provides value to your target market.

Great content works wonders when it comes to awarding your site with high rankings on search engines and attracting leads, conversions, and sales to your business.

To develop a solid content marketing strategy, you need high-quality content that evokes the right emotions and creates a ‘wow’ factor in your reader’s minds. 

The biggest mistake you can make is to create generic content that provides zero value to your audience. If you cannot develop content on your own, endeavor to hire an expert freelance writer to do the job for you.

Do not forget to have a blog section on your website and you can even invite people to make guest posts on it. Avoid plagiarized articles and try to make original titles, that raise questions and bring answers. 

People are often seeking for the answer to many common questions on search engines and there is a higher chance they will find your content. This is how you raise your ranking in the search engines, in a process called Search Engine Optimization. 

You can read more here about this subject. If you feel it is necessary, hire a SEO expert to help you with these questions. Content and data are a gold mine on the digital world and it is estimated that, if you manage to rank one of your pages into the first page of Google searches, for high searched keywords, 90% of your traffic will come from that source.

Other strategies that you can use to promote your business in 2020 include engaging in white hat SEO strategies, getting an online business listing, and being active on social media. The good news is, you don’t need a massive budget to reach a broad audience using these techniques. All you need is to stay on top of the trends, and this will certainly be your year!

About the author


Dancun Kingori

Danny has been working with writing-challenged clients for over five years. He offers ghostwriting, ghost editing, coaching, and SEO writing for businesses that want to see their sites at the helm of Google SERPs. His education background in communications and public relations has given him a concrete base from which to approach different topics in various niches. He is a top-rated writer on Upwork. You can get in touch with him on LinkedIn or Facebook in case you need world-class content development services.