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4 Signs it’s Time to Hire a Lead Generation Company

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You think your sales team could benefit from the expertise of a lead generation company to shake things up. But you’re not sure you’re there yet.

Should you wait until sales reach a certain level before bringing someone in? Should you just ride this slump out? Like anything in the world of business, you want to be confident that you will see a return on your investment.

With that in mind, here are 4 telltale signs that you may be ready to bring in the outside help of a lead generation company.

1. Your Sales Have Dipped

This is the most obvious issue.

Your sales numbers aren’t where you want them to be. However, you’re still confident that you have a strong sales team (including management) in place and you want to ensure that you’re giving them everything they need to succeed.

Bringing in the experts can give them a chance to examine your policies and procedures to find any gaps or opportunities, while they can also look at your sales culture and selling capability.

2. You Feel That You’ve Plateaued

Maybe your sales numbers are fine. But they’ve remained “fine” for months and you feel like your team is capable of more.

You may have done an expert job of recruiting and training your current roster of sales superstars, but they have gone as far as they can with the resources you have in-house—and that’s OK.

Sometimes a fresh perspective can be invaluable when you’re looking to take things to the next level.

3. You’re Chasing Unqualified Leads

Everyone wants a sales funnel that is overflowing with nothing but qualified leads. However, we don’t have to tell you that this is not how the real world works.

Unqualified leads remain a major challenge in every sector and every industry. In fact, half of surveyed marketers say that increasing their lead-to-customer conversions is their biggest challenge and their top priority.

A team of lead generation experts can help you gain access to more leads and ensure they’re qualified.

4. Your Sales Team is Spending Less Time Selling

Is your full-time sales staff only selling part-time?

This is another major issue that plagues companies in every industry. The average salesperson today is only spending about a third of their time on actual selling. The rest of the time, they’re performing non-revenue generating activities like prospecting leads or writing/ responding to emails.

Of course, these other tasks are crucial to their ability to sell things and do their jobs. But should they really take that much time? Two-thirds seems too high. It is and you can do better. 

A lead generation company can help you streamline your processes and get your team back on the phones to close deals.

Too many people will only consider bringing in a lead gen company once their leads have dried up. There is always an opportunity to get help long before you get to that point. If you’re noticing your sales slowing or plateauing, now is the perfect time to seek outside assistance. Or, you can reach out if you simply feel that your sales team needs to spend more time selling.

There is really no wrong time to hire a lead generation company. Don’t wait until it’s too late! 

About the author


Rob Teitelman