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6 Foolproof Strategies for Educating Your Employees About New Technology

Implementing new technology in your organization is an exciting step: often, these systems and tools mean innovative, more efficient ways of working and serving your consumers. They might even be fun to use. On the flip side, your employees could be less than enthused and even frustrated by having to learn just how to use them.

That’s why it’s important to implement training strategies that engage your employees and ensure that they’re able to use the latest innovation your IT department has come up with. After all, what use are these exciting new tools if no one has the know-how to operate them?

1. Have the right people conduct training

It’s a given that whoever conducts training sessions must understand the ins and outs of the technology they’re teaching your employees to use. But sometimes, the software developers or IT managers who created the products may not be the most effective educators. Perhaps it wasn’t even employees who created them — maybe you’re implementing existing technologies or contracted outside services.

For these reasons, you may ask employees who have mastered the basics of the tools and have the right “people skills” to train their colleagues. Or, you might consider hiring outside IT consultants to handle training sessions instead. It’s up to you to determine which solution will be more effective for your organization.

2. Tailor methods

People learn in different ways. That means a training approach that works for one employee may not work for another. Ask department managers about what methods might work best for their teams before instituting a company-wide training policy. For example, some teams might grasp the concepts through a quick demonstration, while others might need more practical, one-on-one guidance and additional sessions to fully understand the new technology.

3. Experiment

While you’re thinking of ways to tailor training methods to departments and individuals, consider how you might engage employees across the board. Hint: it may not be with lectures. Rather than feeding employees information — which they’ll probably forget immediately — over the course of several hours, experiment with other methods. Try a hands-on, interactive approach, one that allows employees to use the new technology and test out its capabilities.

Another approach is using games to engage participants. You could, for example, make learning and remembering facts about the technology a competition, where employees receive a small token prize for correct responses. 

4. Prioritize critical functions

Your new technology probably has a lot of cool features, but employees don’t necessarily need to be able to use all of them. Because your audience won’t remember everything you tell them, make sure to focus on the essential functions of the tools.

Moreover, different departments may be using the technology for different purposes. Another reason why you need to tailor training is so you focus on how each team or individual will be using the tool and prioritize those aspects of it.

5. Communicate your goals

When you introduce new technology into your organization, there may be some confusion about what it’s for and why it’s necessary. Don’t keep your employees in the dark. Be transparent about the reason behind the implementation and how it will help people do their jobs better. 

You should also communicate your expectations, in terms of when you want employees to complete their training and how you’re assuming they’ll use the technology. Additionally, ask employees to communicate with you, articulating any questions or concerns they may have both when the technology is introduced and throughout the rollout.

6. Solicit feedback

Feedback is critical both before and after training. Before, consider using a survey to determine what you should prioritize and address. Employees may already have thoughts and opinions about the technology, so make sure you find out what they are. 

During and after the training, ask for their assessment of both the technology and the teaching methods. This will allow you to respond to unanswered questions, cover points you may have overlooked, and hone your methods for the next teaching session.

That new tool, device, program, or system you’re so excited about will go to waste if your employees don’t know how to use it properly. Put thought into your training sessions so employees not only understand its functions but also appreciate all of its bells and whistles. If you succeed, they’ll be as excited as you are.

About the author


Malcom Ridgers

Malcom is a tech expert specializing in the software outsourcing industry. He has access to the latest market news and has a keen eye for innovation and what's next for technology businesses.