Business Technology

5 Tips – How To Choose a Perfect Accounting Software for Your Business

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Did you know that businesses utilizing cloud-based accounting software have a 15% year-over-year growth in earnings? 

Your business can be a part of that growth, too, if you choose the best-suited accounting software for your company. Top contenders in the industry have the edge over the others because they fit the bill of efficient, evolving, comprehensive, and versatile accounting software.

Each program you look at comes with different features and prices. Usability is another one of the essential elements to be considered before selecting accounting software.

Other than the basic features, your budget, and whether you are willing to go above or below it, business requirements, and personnel at hand should be considered before you invest in accounting software. 

What to do when you’re unsure

If you don’t have any knowledge regarding accountancy or if you have never handled/encountered accounting software, then you can always talk to your accountants, financial advisor, or business advisor. 

Not only that, but you can also ask your fellow business owners for their experience and advice regarding accounting software. You can also look at reviews to compare different software if you want to be 100% sure before taking the first step.

Questions to ask before you select an accounting software

To yourself

  • What part of my current accounting practice works for my business?
  • What part do I want to change immediately, and why?
  • What is my company’s ideal environment?
  • Do we need an on-premise solution or move to the cloud?
  • What are our cost-saving goals?
  • What is my industry, and where do I see my profits in the next five years?
  • What features of accounting software are non-negotiable for my business?
  • What features are good to have but not necessary?

To the software provider

  • What is the level of training and consultation required by my staff and me for the better handling of the accounting software?
  • Configuration or coding, how does the accounting system run?
  • What kind of customer support does the provider offer?
  • Are future upgrades a part of our subscription?
  • Will my accounting data be secure with accounting software?

Every day there is a new feature added to accounting software to entice customers; nevertheless, not all add-ons are worthy or necessary. Therefore, it is advisable that you differentiate between basic or necessary add-ons and complementary add-ons.

Accounting software features your business can concentrate on

  • Billing, invoicing, receipt creation, or PO creation
  • General ledger as well as expense tracking system
  • Managing inventory
  • Payment gateways
  • The capability of maintaining multiple bank accounts

Although there are too many top-selling software for businesses worldwide, you should do your research and create a checklist before investing your money. If you think you can apply some tips for choosing the best-suited accounting software for your business, look no further.

Tips for choosing the best accounting software 

1. Consider your business requirements & your accounting skills

The primary aspect to consider when you invest in accounting software is correlating it with your business needs, your accounting prowess, and your accounting support. The key to a successful accounting software purchase is refraining from making a rash purchase and doing the necessary research before any purchase.

The needs of a small to medium-sized business are different when compared to those of a corporation. The monetary constraints and future upgrade requirements should also be considered. If you are from a niche industry, your software and its add-ons can be specialized. Moreover, irrespective of how advanced the software is, if you want to handle accounting, a little financial knowledge always helps.

2. Cloud applications can be your savior

While accounting software can be your best bet for taking your business to the next level, the trick is not ignoring all the venues of cloud accounting. For example, it is preferred by more than 50% of large corporations worldwide.

There is a long list of benefits a cloud-based accounting solution provides. Accessibility, one of the greatest problems with conventional accounting and conventional accounting software, is highly enhanced with the cloud. For example, if you use QuickBooks Enterprise on Cloud, you, your accountants, and your employees with the right permission can use it from anywhere in the world. They also offer scalability, security, ease of use, automatic updates, automatic backups, and geographical advantage during natural disasters. 

3. Make and maintain your budget

No matter your financial capacity, there is accounting software for you. No budget is too small for setting up a digital accounting platform for your business. Even if you have no money allocated to accounting software, you can always try out the free versions or buy software through different means for low prices.

Specialized software may cost you money, but you have to think of it in the long-term. Employing the services of highly reviewed accounting software is an investment for the betterment of your company, and you will reap the benefits of it in the future.

4. Check-out the customer support system

As much as some financial knowledge is essential for maintaining the efficiency of accounting software, the technicalities might still need some support from the software company itself.

This support can only be obtained if the provider has good customer support options and services. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for businesses to choose accounting software after thoroughly researching their customer care response.

5. Compare the prices

There is a lot of accounting software available in the market and one for every budget. However, not every software is built the same. Businesses should look into the software best suited for their purpose and budget. If the customized add-ons are free, then that is great; if not, you can always look for the best way to get them for the lowest price.

To wrap it up

Every tip and trick is only useful when you know your business and your future goals. 

The first step to anything regarding your business will always be knowing your business intrinsically. However, now that you are armed with all the answers to your accounting software questions, you can efficiently study up and make your move.

About the author


Sharad Acharya

Sharad Acharya is a technical content writer at Ace Cloud Hosting, a leading provider of QuickBooks Enterprise Hosting services. He loves to research the latest technologies and has written articles on cloud computing, virtualization, and security. You can follow him on Twitter, and LinkedIn.