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Why should retailers invest in mobile testing automation solutions?

Image courtesy of Pixabay

The retail industry is a competitive one with a lot of moving parts. To understand the competition, retailers need to test their products and find out what works and what doesn’t to stay ahead of the curve.

This article will take you through the most common reasons why a retailer should invest in an effective mobile testing solution today.

Why Investing in Mobile Test Automation is Vital to Your Business’s Success?

The world is rapidly changing, and it is important for businesses to stay up to date with the latest trends. Mobile is an essential part of our everyday lives, and it has become a critical factor in how we shop, provide information, find entertainment, etc. We all know, and it’s no surprise that mobile devices are becoming more popular than desktop computers in many countries.

Mobile test automation has emerged as a best practice for software testers in order to ensure that they can detect bugs and errors on these devices before they release the product. Automated Mobile testing is the process of automating the testing of mobile applications. It reduces the time and cost of manual testing, which can be an expensive and tedious process.

Mobile test automation for retail businesses can help them improve their customer experience, increase revenue, and reduce costs. Companies save time and money by avoiding releasing products with errors or bugs on them.

Why should retailers invest in mobile testing automation solutions?

1.Integration and Functionality: According to a study, 45% of customers believe the lack of problems, and 36% believe the user experience makes a high-quality mobile app. It’s essential to regularly test your web pages and their content for usability and engagement. Ensuring a seamless user experience can be the difference between success and failure.

The benefit of test automation is that it eliminates the need for repeating test cases like registration, login, and navigation because they do not vary much. Once generated, the automated tests may be reused at no additional QA expense and shared throughout the whole team, resulting in significant cost savings and efficient deployment for retailers.

2. Speedy release: Time-to-Market: Retailers are planning discounts during seasons. This actually presents problems for mobile teams since it necessitates frequent and consistent product releases without sacrificing user experience or app quality.

The requirement for rapid time-to-market necessitates a higher level of test automation. Manual testing is not optimal to achieve tight deadlines since it consumes a significant amount of time and resources. On the other hand, test automation decreases the time necessary to perform repeated tests from days to hours, allowing teams to shorten delivery cycles.

3. User Experience & Performance: Every second of lag would cost retailers a lot. App installation time, startup time, page load time, and content load time are all essential performance metrics that must be monitored on a regular basis since user experience might be the lone aspect that distinguishes your business from the competition. 

While scaling infrastructure is one of the pillars for preparing for increased traffic, retailers will also need to perform load testing to ensure their mobile channels can receive tons of visits and pass every single transaction during the peak season.

FInal Words: 
With the rise in smartphone ownership, retailers have been forced to reevaluate their omnichannel strategies in order to stay competitive. The most important factor in a successful omnichannel strategy is an easy and efficient delivery process. Mobile consumers expect fast delivery times, which is why stores must develop a strategy that includes a smooth delivery process. It all is possible by implementing high levels of mobile testing.

About the author


Meghan Berley