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9 Creative Ways to Improve Your Brand Awareness

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Brand awareness can be defined as the extent to which a business’s branding tool (name, slogan, logo, etc.) gets recognized by potential customers and correctly associated with its particular service or product.

When measuring a business’s brand awareness level, several tools and methods can be used. One of them is the white label reporting from SERPResults. This report will show how often the brand is searched online and what terms are most used for searching. It will also show the number of people searching for the brand and its intentions.

Meanwhile, here are nine creative ways to improve your brand awareness.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to boost your brand awareness. In addition to the publicity that it generates, it’s also a great way to gain credibility and more traffic to your site. It can help you gain more followers and visitors by establishing you as an authority and thought leader in a particular field. Just make sure that your posts are engaging, relevant, and backed by facts.

The first step in guest blogging is finding a relevant website to blog for. This can be accomplished by approaching sites that accept guest blogs and asking them to provide guidelines for submission. You should also read and understand the guidelines of the site before submitting. It’s essential that you don’t copy what other people have already written on the topic.

Another key step is measuring the effectiveness of your guest blogging campaign. You can use tools like Google Analytics to track the traffic coming from your guest posts. You can see how many visitors are coming from your guest blogs and which ones are not. It’s also essential that you respond to comments made by your readers. This will allow you to develop a relationship with your new audience and help you meet your strategic goals.

Guest blogging is a great way to build brand awareness and generate traffic. When done properly, it can be a cheap way to increase your visibility and reach. You can also use guest blogging to establish relationships with peers in the industry. It is also a great way to boost your domain authority, which is essential for building credibility.


Infographics are an effective way to communicate a message and can boost your brand’s visibility. But they need to be designed properly. In addition to using clean, minimal layouts, they should also have a call-to-action button to boost engagement and drive traffic to your site. Moreover, you must ensure that your infographic is easy to share on social media.

People are attracted to graphics, especially when they are entertaining and informative.

Unlike plain content, infographics help in presenting complex information in an easy-to-understand way. It captures the attention of readers and helps them absorb the information quickly.

Infographics can be embedded in websites and blogs. As such, they serve as a perfect trojan horse for getting free and stress-free backlinks from authority websites.

Also, the more the host content gets shared, the more exposure your infographics will gain, thereby enhancing your brand’s visibility and promoting your company’s products and services.

Infographics can be extremely helpful for businesses of all sizes. They also help your brand stand out from its competitors by demonstrating its expertise and dependability.


Podcasts are an inexpensive communication tool that can help position your business as an industry thought leader. As long as your content is good and your audience enjoys it, podcasting can help you increase brand awareness.

One great way to increase brand awareness with podcasts is to use audio snippets. These brief clips give listeners a taste of the content of the episode and can be shared on social media. You can use a free recording tool like Anchor to create snippets. Another way to increase brand awareness through podcasts is to use podcast advertising.

Podcasting also allows businesses to develop a distinctive voice. It helps brands establish their character and identity, and the content can help them meet their sales goals naturally. Unlike traditional advertising, podcasting allows businesses to build a more personal connection with their audience. This creates loyalty, which equates to increased revenue.

Telling A Brand Story

When building a brand, telling a brand story is vital. Whether your brand is an entrepreneur’s story, a compilation of mission statements and history, or a combination of both, creating a story around your brand is an essential part of brand awareness. You can tell this story in various ways, such as through a narrative. This story can be a combination of your mission statement and history.

Create Value Beyond Your Product

To create a lasting impression on people, you need to be able to offer value beyond your service or product. It would help if you thought of ways you can entertain or educate people without it looking like you are trying to sell to them.

For instance, if you run a marketing agency, you can create a Facebook group where business owners looking to start marketing their products or services online can come to ask questions and get useful no-string attached answers. Sooner or later, such a group will grow into a sizable proposition and will be filled with people who appreciate you and will be more than willing to push your brand for free.

Contribute To Your Community

As you are focusing on creating brand awareness online, you mustn’t neglect the offline customer base. One of the easiest ways to do this is by participating in and organizing various events. You should also offer corporate donations, especially with your branded items, and facilitate employees’ participation in charity work.

For local brand awareness, the ultimate goal is to sponsor a major event in the community. This way, you can get more people talking about your business and get them familiar with your name and logo.

Offer A Freemium Plan

Offering a free version of your paid plan is a great way to get people to check out your services without having to commit. It can help create a major buzz in the right communities, thereby boosting your brand awareness.

Importantly, when doing this, make sure the free package has your brand logos and name imprinted strategically across the product.

Run Awareness Ads

Most social networks now have options to run ads targeted at raising brand awareness. You can easily capitalize on these options to boost your awareness level. These types of ads can be used to target specific groups of people based on their gender, location, race, education level, age, etc.

Referral Programs

Rewarding users for referring others to your service or product is a great way to improve your brand awareness level.

Users will gladly spread the word about your product or service when they know they’ll get rewarded for doing so.

This will inevitably help improve your brand awareness level.

Following these methods keenly will surely improve your brand awareness. For the best result, combine as many ways as possible.

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