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Bringing Your Brand to Life: The Art of Humanizing Your Business

Photo courtesy Kristian Egelund on Unsplash

In a world increasingly driven by digital interactions, consumers yearn for authentic experiences, craving not just a product or service but a story, a purpose, and a connection.

 The art of humanising your brand is about moving beyond mere transactional relationships towards cultivating emotional bonds that inspire customer loyalty.

With that being said, in this blog post, we’ll unpack the concept of brand humanisation. We’ll walk you through its benefits and offer you actionable steps to infuse your brand with human elements.

What is Brand Humanisation?

When we talk about brand humanisation, we’re referring to the conscious effort to breathe life, personality, and authenticity into your brand, transforming it into a relatable entity that resonates with your customers on a personal and emotional level.

Picture your brand as a person at a party. Instead of a faceless, corporate entity lurking in a corner, brand humanisation makes your brand the life of the party – approachable, engaging, empathetic, and memorable.

 Your brand becomes a persona with its own distinct voice, vibrant character traits, shared values, and a captivating narrative that draws people in.

 Unlike traditional marketing methods, which often reduce brands to soulless products or services, brand humanisation reframes the brand-customer relationship.

 Brand humanisation is about authenticity, not artificiality. It’s not about putting on a mask or adopting a facade. Instead, it’s about peeling back the layers, revealing your brand’s true essence, and allowing your customers to connect with it. This connection fosters trust, builds loyalty, and turns customers into enthusiastic brand ambassadors.

A Must In the Digital World

In the modern digital world, where genuine human connections are increasingly coveted, brand humanisation is a potent strategy. This strategy leverages our natural inclination to connect with others, transforming ordinary customers into passionate advocates for your brand.                                                                                                                                                                   

What Makes Brand Humanisation Important?

In today’s saturated marketplace, where a multitude of brands offer similar products and services, the importance of brand humanisation cannot be overstated. Here’s why:

  • Differentiation – Humanising your brand helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace. By showcasing your brand’s unique personality, values, and beliefs, you distinguish yourself from competitors. This uniqueness is not just about having a different product; it’s about having a different voice, a different perspective, and a different story. It’s about being memorable.
  • Trust and loyalty – Trust is a fundamental element of any relationship, including those between brands and their customers. A humanised brand appears more transparent and trustworthy, making customers more likely to stay loyal. Consumers are more inclined to trust and stick with a brand that they feel understands them and their needs on a human level.
  • Emotional connection – People are emotional beings, and making purchasing decisions is not always a rational process. Many times, decisions are driven by how a brand makes consumers feel. Humanising your brand builds emotional connections with your customers, making them more likely to choose you over a competitor.
  •  Brand advocacy – A brand that connects with its customers on an emotional level turns its customers into brand advocates. When people feel a deep emotional connection with a brand, they don’t just purchase its products or services; they support its cause, share its story, and promote its values.
  • Resilience – Brands with personality and strong human connections tend to weather market fluctuations better than faceless corporations. In times of crisis, customers are more likely to stick with a brand they feel an emotional connection with, increasing the brand’s resilience.

Brand humanisation is about being more than a product or service. It’s about being a friend, a mentor, a partner. It’s about being a living, breathing entity that your customers can connect with on a personal and emotional level.

Bringing Your Brand to Life: How to Humanise Your Brand

Bringing your brand to life involves more than a new logo or catchy tagline; it requires an authentic and consistent brand personality that can foster deep connections with customers. Below are our tips for brand humanisation.

Define Your Brand Personality

Start by defining your brand personality. What sort of person would your brand be? Is it fun-loving or serious? Innovative or traditional? Adventurous or stable? The personality should reflect your brand’s values and appeal to your target audience. Once you’ve defined your brand personality, express it consistently across all communication channels.

Tell a Compelling Story

Everyone loves a good story. Use storytelling to narrate your brand’s journey, mission, or values in a way that resonates with your audience. Be sure to incorporate elements of conflict and resolution to make your story engaging.

Show Authenticity

Authenticity is crucial in brand humanisation. Avoid excessive jargon in your communications. Instead, speak the language of your audience and share real experiences and stories. Be open about your failures as well as your successes, showing your audience that you’re human too.

Engage In Two-way Communication

Create platforms where your customers can interact with your brand. Social media platforms, blogs, and forums are great ways to engage your customers. Reply to comments, share user-generated content, and engage in discussions. Make sure your customers know you care about their opinions.

Demonstrate Social Responsibility

Show that your business cares about more than just money. Participate in charitable causes, support sustainability, and promote ethical practices. Such actions not only enhance your brand image but also foster a deeper connection with your socially conscious customers.

Use Real Faces

Feature real people in your marketing efforts. This could be your employees, your customers, or your founders. Showing the people behind your brand or the people who love your brand can humanise your business and make it more relatable.

Personalise Customer Experiences

Personalised experiences make customers feel special and valued. Use data-driven insights to provide personalised recommendations, offers, and messages. Such personal touches can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Bring Your Brand to Life and Reap the Benefits

As you can see, by humanising your brand, you create an entity that can interact, empathise, and engage with your customers on a human level. It’s a powerful way to build lasting relationships with your audience, leading to increased loyalty and advocacy.

About the author


Sabrina Sedicot

Sabrina Sedicot is an experienced marketer and works for Appnova, Shopify agency London who have team of creative experts, including web designers and experienced website developers. She works on projects across UX/ UI design, Luxury eCommerce, creative and brand designing Content Production. she is experienced and covers everything from user experience to mobile app design.