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Miami Florida SEO Digital Marketing Companies List

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When you think about Miami Florida, you’ll think of Art Deco, Cuban cuisine and of course the famous South Beach. But, it has so much more to offer to its locals than a good tan. A number of digital marketing agencies have started to surface in the city, and we’ve listed the best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and digital marketing companies in Miami, Florida.

Marketing 123

The company, marketing123 specializes in search engine optimization or SEO and social media marketing. They’re a digital marketing agency with years of expertise in the field to back them up. One of their top services is coaching and helping people grow their online business from the ground up through lead generation. Their other services are as follows:

  • Coaching
  • Digital marketing
  • Lead generation
  • Ebooks

One 12th

One 12th is a company that values performance-driven digital marketing. The company relies heavily on data which helps them make their marketing decisions. They have proven to give their clients a serious competitive edge over the years and with clients like Zumba and Arizona State University, you can never go wrong with them. Their services are as follows:

  • Web design and development
  • Mobile app and software development
  • Social Media Listening
  • AB Testing
  • Search Engine Optimization

Screen Media Group

Screen Media Group is one of the biggest digital marketing agency in Miami, Florida. SMG has a massive market in the Hispanic Community. Their work has been seen by the Digital Agency Network, The Evvy Awards, and major television networks. They also have offices in the US and Spain. Their services are as follows:

  • E-commerce website design
  • Digital PR including influencer marketing
  • Sales Funnel Optimization
  • Google Adwords Research

Asylum Marketing

Just like SMG, Asylum Marketing has also helped brands target Hispanic American Audience. What makes them an excellent digital marketing agency is that they put both the business and the customer first. They value measurable results and customer-driven research more than anything else. They’ve worked with companies like Dior and Pepsi. Their services are as follows:

  • Social Media Marketing 
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Content Production
  • Platform Creation
  • Social Listening


Moncur helps businesses create a meaningful brand so they can sell easier. The company started in Silicon Valley more than 20 years ago, and they specialize in helping high-tech startups. They also have clients in the engineering, advanced manufacturing, construction, and e-commerce industries.  They are a company that believes in communicating messages properly not just through words but through design. Their services are as follows:

  • Branding
  • Advanced Website Development
  • Growth Hacking Services
  • Coaching/Mentoring

How To Choose The Right Digital Marketing Company

The companies mentioned above are the best in their class. But to help you determine the right fit for your company, we’ll list some factors to consider when hiring one.

  1. An intuitive website – The company should be able to showcase their skills wonderfully through their website. The site should be modern, responsive and most of all has a user-friendly interface. You don’t want to hire someone who can’t even manage to create a good website for their agency.
  2. An experienced team – Make sure to ask them for their portfolio and who their previous clients were. It’s also best to ask them for some data showing how their previous campaigns performed.
  3. Specialties – Digital marketing agencies have core strengths. For example, marketing123 has in-depth experience in lead generation, Moncur specializes in branding, and SMG has experience in targeting the Hispanic Community. Get an agency that will fit your needs as a business.
  4. Tools – Ask them how they will manage your campaign’s performance. A good agency is data-driven but is not afraid to think beyond what the tools have to offer.
  5. Trustworthy – You’re essentially handing over your business marketing to them. It’s crucial that you trust the team you’re working with and that you’re confident that they can do the job.


Investing in digital marketing companies can do wonders for your business. Start doing your research and ask around for proposals. The digital landscape is always changing, and algorithms are modified every day. It’s always good to have a company helping you reach a wider audience and adds more value to your brand.

About the author


Francis Campbell

Francis Campbell believes that a business will never thrive and grow without the right marketing strategies. Francis’s article contributions for Web Marketing 123 has become his platform to help different businesses utilize marketing in the best way possible. Francis’s articles are focused on marketing but are applicable to businesses regardless if it’s a startup or operating for years. During his leisure, Francis loves to read books about businesses.