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Agile Software Development Strategies Explained

Agile development has been the go-to strategy in the tech market for some time now because the method has provided a more relaxed work environment without sacrificing efficiency or productivity. 

The strategy is one of innumerable details surrounded by the fairly simple premise of collaboration and continuous improvement. It is, in many ways, turning work from the draconian hierarchy method of invisible barriers and superstition to one of constant communication and friendliness. 

The basic principles of Agile software development

Agile software development is an environment that preaches continual refinement and enhancement in lieu of faceless software deployment that seems cold and uninviting. The strategy of Agile development also applies to all industries at the very least a tenuous level. Its origins can be traced back more than four decades to the era of incremental product development which favored adaptive environments rather than fastidious workhouses. 

However, its true progenitors were software developers that believed in the method so much that they published a pamphlet called Manifesto for Agile Software Development. In that instance, a fever was born that would reach every tech company from L.A. To N.Y. in a matter of a few years.

Agile software developers believe in collaboration and responding to change

“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work, we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools,” assert the authors. Agile software development teams value “working software over comprehensive documentation” as well as “customer collaboration over contract negotiation,” and “responding to change over following a plan.”

Agile development prioritizes working software

The first real major change that Agile brought was the placement of functional software over detailed documentation. This directly led to development teams interacting with each other, and their audiences, at all times to ensure that visions were stable and development did not hit any snags. 

They would then release a piece of software and engage the consumer to make sure that software was sufficient and to receive any additional feedback to make the product better, both internally and externally. 

This entire process, from beginning to end, is the process of Agile software development, in simple terms. This style of development and deployment has proven to be quite popular with software companies as it creates a feeling of unity in an otherwise obtuse and unfriendly environment. 

“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through the early and continuous delivery

of valuable software,” explain the authors the Agile Manifesto. “Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.”

Every process can be improved by face-to-face communication

Instead of trying to win the rat race everyone focuses on making exquisite software that performs at peak potential. It’s about making the entire development team responsible for success and failure. By using these strategies you can enhance your already-implemented Agile development strategy and create an Agile environment for a more cohesive and inclusive team. 

Projects must always be built by motivated, self-organizing teams

“Build projects around motivated individuals,” advises the Agile Manifesto. “Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.” When teams are organized effectively, the pace sustains indefinitely. “Agile processes promote sustainable development,” the authors expand. “The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.”


In this article, we covered some basic Agile development strategies that you can employ to make your company run as Agile as possible.

Agile development strategies show that teamwork and constant communication are the only way to make a team truly cohesive. A team that rises as one and falls as one. Using the concepts that Agile shows us we can begin to revolutionize our work environment to create an arena of cooperation rather than inter-dynamic competition. 

Agile development, while not empirically faster than traditional development, is a great way to set up your team to work as well as they possibly can, which will, in turn, make your products labors of love rather than tortuous gulags. Implement Agile software development if you are ready to take your business or team to the next level of the tech industry.

About the author


Tania Brooks

Tania Brooks is a business journalist with a focus on emerging technologies and emerging markets. She used to work as an overseas operations coordinator for Unilever. You may contact her on Twitter