Business Technology

7 Tech Trends for Enterprises in 2020

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We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that can change the way we live and work. Big tech giants and small companies that resist progress and the latest technology trends will be left behind. Businesses feel they need to start spending on innovation and adopting global technology trends to keep up with constantly changing environments.

In this post, we’ll focus on the top-7 trends in tech you need to know in 2020.

Extended Reality (XR)

Extended Reality is a unifying term for augmented (AR), virtual (VR), and mixed (MR) reality, which we have spelt out below:

  • AR is an overlay of digital objects in the real world through smartphone screens or displays.
  • VR brings immersive user experiences by means of headsets or head-mounted displays. It allows entering a virtual world which has practical applications in numerous fields, such as education, healthcare, architecture, space exploration, entertainment, etc.
  • MR is a blend of real and virtual worlds where users can interact and combine physical objects with digital ones in real-time via, let’s say an AR headset.

Traditionally related to forms of entertainment and video games, XR is becoming more common amongst businesspeople. As of now, companies implement it to train staff and find new ways to engage with customers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) application

AI is a simulation of human intelligence demonstrated by machines. From Apple’s Siri to Microsoft’s Azure or Google Cloud’s AI, the technology is progressing rapidly and is likely to continue along the current vector in 2020. However, businesses incur significant expenses as the cost of running AI-based systems is enormous, that is of course until they manage to turn in a profit.

As of now, as-a-service platform, providers prevail and survive in the long run. Businesses have to optimize their own data feeds and pay a fee to utilize AI algorithms.

Still, artificial intelligence in 2020 is expected become widely adopted, as there is a growing trend that providers need to meet. It is expected that they will begin offering more complex custom applications to perform specialized tasks.

5G data networks

Even though 5G networks in 2019 were costly and limited to functioning in confined spaces or in the largest cities, they are going to become more affordable as the coverage is expected to be improved in 2020.

Whether it is through the convenience of having super high speed internet for streaming movies and music or it being driven by the increase in mobile usage on home and business networks instead of on wired ones; it is time to consider the various ways of implementing such stable connections anywhere. With 5G, more people will have access to smart city services which will always be “on”. This means that there will also be advances in the development of autonomous machines, the Internet of Things (IoT), robots, etc.

Blockchain Technology

Owing to anonymous and encrypted networks, Blockchain allows transferring and recording funds, including other digital assets between two different individuals without a central financial authority. There is a misconception that it is over-hyped and useless. However, big companies like Mastercard and FedEx continue to invest in this technology nevertheless. Up to 41% of the surveyed enterprise executives are expected to bring blockchain into production this year. What’s more, Facebook is going to launch its own blockchain-based cryptocurrency “Libra” in 2020. So, a wider adoption of this technology by smaller players is a likely result that can be drawn.

Autonomous Driving

Everyone is excited about self-driving. Thanks to Elon Musk, the co-founder and CEO of Tesla, we’ll see a completely autonomous vehicle in 2020. A recent trial of Waymo, a driverless taxi in California, has carried upwards of 6,200 people in its first month.

Almost all modes of transportation are now becoming electric, driverless, and intelligent: Automation will touch the in-car infotainment systems, dynamic brakes support, and lane-keeping systems.

Nevertheless, as this technology matures, more measures, law amendments, existing infrastructure transformations, and sensible approaches will emerge. Today, lots of people are taking part in debates related to self-driving, which begs the question, “when”, not “if”, it will become a reality.

Individualized medicine with predictive analytics

As of now, we can capture data from wearable devices like smartwatches. 

Doctors may use them to predict changes in health and spot the warning signs of a disease before symptoms appear. The data-driven and personalized approaches enable medical practitioners to prescribe a drug and apply patient-specific treatments to address certain patient risk factors.

There are even more uses to add to the list. For example, AlayaCare, a software provider for home healthcare, is actively using predictive analytics to forecast when employees are about to quit.

Computer Vision

Computer vision enables a camera to capture an image and detect faces or eyes. It enhances technologies like Google Reverse Images Search and paves the way for innovations in consumer products such as Apple’s FaceID, which enables us to manage access to our smartphones. Airports use facial recognition to maximize security and provide smoother customer experiences.

Computer vision algorithms and top technology applications are going to increase in 2020. The use cases include autonomous cars that find their way around, cameras that look for product defects, and security cameras that warn us about suspicious activity 24/7. 

However, we also expect a rise in the debates centered around the issues of privacy and technology. How much of people’s private life and the data that it comprises are they willing to forfeit to governments and private companies in order to use such advances in technology? 

The impact that these technologies are having and the rate at which they are advancing from year to year is astounding. It is therefore critical to keep up with the latest technological trends, and learn how to interact with them; otherwise you risk being left in the dust.

About the author


Alexey Chalimov

As CEO at Eastern Peak, a professional software consulting and development company, Alexey ensures top quality and cost-effective services to clients from all over the world. Alexey is also a founder and technology evangelist at several technology companies. Previously, as a CEO of the Gett (GetTaxi) technology company, Alexey was in charge of developing the revolutionary Gett service from ground up and deploying the operation across the globe from London to Moscow and Tel Aviv.