Blogs & Podcasts Marketing WordPress

7 Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Blog for Better Leads and Conversions

Image courtesy Pixabay

When looking at your website analytics, there will be a lot of important graphs and numbers, yet the most important one will always be your conversions.

In the end, it doesn’t matter how many people are seeing your page or how high your website sits on a search-engine ranking system if your audience isn’t doing what you want them to do.

Whether your conversion goal is purchasing an item, filling out a form, or signing up for your mailing list, there are multiple ways of optimizing your website for increased conversion rates. 

Of course, the first thing to do is make sure you’re reaching your target audience. No matter how many views your website has been getting, your audience will not engage with your content if they’re not the target audience.

So, before trying the following tips, make sure you check the demographics of your audience and ensure it fits the profile of someone who would be interested in what you have to offer. If it does, then this article will help you increase your conversion rate and get you back on track. 

1. Put It at the Top

Whether it’s a form or a button that you want your audience to engage with, make sure it’s the first thing they see. You want to ask very little of your audience and if your form is at the bottom then you’re asking them to scroll down before you even get a chance to ask them to engage.

As a result, you’re mathematically decreasing your chances of success. Instead, make sure that your form or button is at the top and easily accessible as soon as they get onto your page.

2. Call to Action

Your conversion goal should be translated into just a few words. Make sure that those words are on your page, that they are direct and that it’s the only call to action you have on that webpage. Then repeat that same call to action multiple times throughout th page.

The clearer and more assertive you are, the higher your conversion rate will be. Don’t tell your audience to “click to learn more” but say exactly what you want them to do whether it’s “sign up for our mailing list”, “join our rewards club” or “buy X product”. 

3. Keep It “Short and Sweet”

If your conversion goal is a form or anything that requires them to give out their information, ask as little as possible. The longer it takes someone to fill out a form, the more time they’ll have to back out. Of course, this depends on what your goals are, and, in some cases, you may need a lot more information to qualify someone than just their name or email.

Regardless, you should ask for as little information as you need upfront and collect the rest later on. If your form is on the longer-end, then you could benefit from smart WordPress forms. Utilize conditional logic settings when creating your form to make fields disappear and appear as needed instead of overwhelming your audience with a long list all at once. 

4. Focus on Conversions

Design your entire page around your call to action. This means not only are you making your conversion goal clear, but you’re removing all other distractions from hogging the spotlight. Some websites make their call to action a pop-up that blurs the remainder of the website while it’s up.

While this has been successful, it isn’t the only way. Clean up the webpage and make sure that everything your audience sees is pointing right back to the call to action. Distracting items are flashy headlines, colorful images, and busy sidebars. Use a clean theme sits to ensure your CTA gets the attention it needs to reap results.

5. Make it Easy

The easier it is to complete your action, the more likely people are to do it so make sure your form is accessible on all devices, especially mobile. People spend more time browsing on their phones than they do their desktops, so you must provide every opportunity for them to fulfill your call to action in every way possible.

If your form is not mobile-friendly, then you’re relying on your audience to remember to get back on your site from their desktops at home. It’s not likely that you’ll have a successful conversion rate if this is the case, so check your WP theme and ensure you’re optimizing your website for all devices.

6. Share Your Fans

Putting groupthink aside, your audience is more likely to do what you’re asking of them if they believe that others have done it already and if they can see successful results through testimonials, good reviews, or statistics. Put some evidence of the benefits of your service or product on the same page where your call to action is.

For example, if you are selling a product, then showcase expert opinion, success stories, or the science behind it. To your audience, this will reduce their fear of filling out your form or buying your product. It becomes even easier to trust you when there’s visible confirmation of a successful history. 

7. Speed it Up

As always, the most important aspects of your website are impacted by its load time. Speeding up your load time will also increase conversions. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, you could lose 7% of your conversions for every second your loading time is delayed.

So, speeding up your load time is more crucial than ever if you’re looking to meet your goals. Use a load speed tool to check how fast your website is loading and make sure it loads in 3 seconds or less. Remember: every millisecond counts.

About the author


Usman Raza

Usman Raza is the co-founder of a faith-based company and a marketing strategist working with various brands online. Usman is the content marketing manager at a wp customization company, and Mentors for SEO. He’s devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.