Blogs & Podcasts Business Writing/Content

Your 100+ Blog Topics to Share in 2019

Image courtesy of Pexels

The perennial question of most bloggers and site owners regardless of their niche:

What to write about? What topics to cover so visitors would want to follow your blog, subscribe, and, first or last, turn into your customers? How to hook them with content?

You ask these questions every time when trying to come up with a content plan for your website. 2019 is coming, and it means you’ll soon have to answer them again. Keep your head! This list of 100+ blog topics will help.

All items on the list are ideas. And the more detail you know about your website’s niche, the more topics you can use. More than that, you can develop them with respect to your target audience’s needs — and you’ll get 10x times more content ideas for your blog. This list will allow you to generate a never-ending content plan with tons of topics.

Not bad, huh?

About Your Product

Write about the product content:

  • Stages of its development.
  • The process of production, its features, and benefits.
  • Stages of service.
  • Key factors of its high quality.

How much it costs, and why. Why you can’t make it less expensive, and what will happen if you try doing so.

Talk about the price of your product’s analogs. Reveal the reasons for customers to understand your price policy.

Another topic to cover: where to start — where to start if they plan to build a house, to make dreadlocks, to launch a website, to become a coder, etc. (Sure enough, you will cover things that are relevant to your blog niche.)

Items — what your product is made of, what were the reasons for such a choice.

Post a product review written by experts. Let them describe both the pros and cons of it.

Reviews from influencers can come in handy as well.

Discuss quality control: who makes sure your product turns out to be the best (or close to the best one) on the market and how that happens.

Share the story of your product — who is the creator, when and where the product appeared for the first time, what it looked like, and how it has changed. This type of content will save you when there’s no news in the niche, but you need to update your blog anyway.

Explain to newbies how to use your product:

  • Where to start.
  • How to choose.
  • Where to buy.
  • How to distinguish a fake or a low-quality offer.

And what about savvy users? Tell them about extra features, alternative ways of using your product, and the most common mistakes they may face.

When launching a new product, consider this:

  • Create a promo page.
  • Make several video reviews and presentations.
  • Create a PDF book describing all the details of your new product. Share it on your blog.

Cover product benefits. Don’t keep silent about the drawbacks and how you plan to correct all flaws.

Reveal a little-known fact about your niche, company, product, or the technology you use. Share your predictions on new trends or out-of-date technologies that may cease to exist soon.

Write about some products or services people can use together with those offered by you.

Write about how to handle your product, how to make it “live” longer,” and what to avoid doing with it for its safe usage.

Share a case study on how you’ve solved the problem for your target audience.

About Your Competitors and Niche in General

Translate interesting posts from foreign blogs, linking back to them.

Share a list of other blogs for your audience to read, links to relevant social media groups, or media accounts of influencers and opinion leaders in your niche for your readers to follow.

Write a detailed review of your product’s analogs. Describe the pros and cons, but be honest.

Write about research and surveys in the industry, share data with readers, make predictions.

Ask someone to write a guest post for your blog.

Reply to comments and mentions. Think about how you can turn them into a new blog post.

“Steal” mediocre content from competitors; then write a better, well-researched blog post on the topic; don’t plagiarize but create original content that teaches or entertains your audience.

Criticize a famous person of interest to your audience but in a well-argued manner.

About Your Business

Write the story of your company: how and when it was launched, how you came up with the name, and what its mission and values are. Write blog posts about people working with you:

  • Who processes orders.
  • Who supports customers.
  • Who your partners are.
  • Describe one day from the life of your company, department, or one particular employee.

Create a video about your company. Share the stories of your business success:

  • How a top media published your story. Why they did it, how you answered their interview questions, and what interesting details you told them about your company.
  • How you or your colleagues got a reward.
  • Your achievements: your record high site traffic, work productivity, profit. Tell readers about what helped you attained such results.
  • Write about your plans to open new departments, if you have any.
  • Share the #1 secret of your business success.

Publish an interview with your company CEO, your team member or employees of different departments, and with partners, investors, or suppliers.

Post news about your company, competitors, or niche in general. Don’t forget about related industries influencing your product or service.

Consider newsjacking: take buzz topics from the media — and write something about it on your blog:

  • Your personal thoughts on why this happened.
  • Recommendations on what to do in such situations.
  • Your predictions on what will happen next.
  • Expert roundup on the topic.
  • Your disclosure of that media-driven subject.

Write a case study on how you’ve solved problems with:

  • hiring and firing employees;
  • problematic partners or conflict with colleagues;
  • workspace organization;
  • choosing tools and equipment for efficient work.

Talk about your mistakes:

  • What were your failures in the organization?
  • What did you do wrong when working with investors?
  • Were there any disappointments in chosen technologies or people? How did you solve the problem?
  • What are top mistakes able to kill business in your niche?
  • Review your competitors’ mistakes, with tips on what could be done to avoid them.

Create training webinars.

Report on holidays within the company.

Cover joint events with well-known companies.

Report on conferences and training courses you visited. Tell what you’ve learned there — it’s interesting for readers, and it builds your reputation.

Write about your plans but don’t overplay with personal information. Users want to read about solutions to their problems; so try to share the news about your holidays and entertaining pastimes in no more than 5% of your blog posts.

Educational and Informative Content for Readers

Write a post about the best articles on your blog. It doesn’t take much time but helps if you’re lacking content ideas. Make a collection of “top posts of the month,” “the most popular blog posts of this summer,” or “the top articles of 2018.”

Another idea: “X articles you shouldn’t trust.”

People love reading educational listicles. So why not write a blog post about “top” or “must-read” books, free or paid online courses to take, best videos on YouTube, must-have skills for your niche, most common mistakes to avoid, etc.?

Lifehacks and unobvious solutions.

Precautions for using the product.

Compare the product with its previous version.

Take two contrary opinions on a topic and compare the arguments of each. Make your own reasoned conclusion.

Share a list of must-have tools for efficient work in your industry.

Write a separate blog post on each of them.

Contests and Interactive Content

10 GIF’s describing the work of specialists in your niche.

10 funny facts describing a client.

Quizzes. Follow the example of Buzzfeed: even the weirdest quizzes get tons of feedback from readers there.

Top funniest images on a topic; top illustrations you’ve made on your own; memes; a book or a movie review (relevant to your industry, to be sure).

Feedback on someone’s speech.

Provocation: write a review or opinion that goes against the generally accepted ones.

Record a podcast with your top managers.

Run a contest. Give a reward in exchange for UGC you will be able to use for future blog posts afterward:

  • Ask followers to make videos on how they use your product in an unusual manner.
  • Ask them to choose a name for your new product.
  • Ask them to share video feedback. 
  • Ask subscribers to make original photos and collages.

Anything Else?

Are there any other blog post ideas you would recommend for 2019? Don’t hesitate to share in the comments — let’s make the given list even longer!

About the author


Lesley Vos

Lesley Vos is a savvy text writer with 10+ years of experience in content creation. Specializing in data research, SEO writing, and content promotion, she is in love with words, non-fiction literature, and jazz. Visit her Twitter @LesleyVos to say hi and see more works.